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Training 1 Hour A Day Can Really Change Everything: Sarah’s Wedding Transformation Week 8

One hour is all you need in your day to do something that’s going to make you feel amazing.

Before I started this transformation, I convinced myself I didn’t have time to train.

Competing priorities of work, a house to run, a wedding to plan, and a baby and a family to care for (like many busy working parents) means your own health often comes last.

But doing this 12-week body transformation has completely changed this mindset.

It has shown me that even eking out as little as 45 minutes a day to invest in your health and wellbeing really does pay dividends in your everyday life.

A little weight training goes a long way. I always feel better after it; my energy levels are higher, my mood is better and it sets me up for the day.


Even if I’m not in the mood, or I don’t feel like it, I make sure I get a session in; then when I’m finished, I never regret going.

I always come out of the gym feeling like ‘Brilliant! I’ve done that session now. I feel more positive about the rest of the day.’

It becomes a bit of an addiction, once you get that buzz of how training makes you feel.

I really look forward to that time in the gym; time to invest in improving myself and feeling good, being active, and getting stronger.

It gives you headspace and much-needed ‘time out’ as well. Mentally, it’s therapeutic just as much as it is physically.

Surely, with the right will, everyone can find that 60 minutes in a day to prioritise their own health.

Having children makes it tougher, but not impossible…

Having children, certainly makes it more difficult; but it’s definitely not impossible.

It has actually been one of the biggest challenges for me; the online training has been totally doable, but it’s just been tough finding a routine to get into, as every week is different for me around work.

The tough part has been finding a babysitter for Stanley at times.

When you don’t have kids, you can just go to the gym whenever and wherever you want, because your world revolves around you, and that’s it.

Whereas when you’ve got kids, everything revolves around the little one and suddenly you’re not a priority anymore.

But when you’re motivated to change, you have a goal, and the training you do makes you feel great, you will make it work.


That’s what I’ve done. Even if it means getting up at stupid-o-clock to get a session in, or working it around nursery.

The knock-on benefits are amazing.

If you’ve taken that one hour out of your day to train, you’re feeling better about yourself and you’ve got so much more energy for the rest of the day to spend with the little one!

So when you choose to prioritize your health, you will always find the time in your diary.

Now, for me, training is a priority. I always try and train first thing in the morning.

I never used to be a morning person. Now I like getting up early, getting a session in, and then I’m set for the day.

When you have that good positive start to the day, you feel like getting more things done and you feel like you’ve got the energy to do it.

Building mindset you need for a body transformation…

Strangely, the one question everyone has been asking me is not ‘how do you find the time’. But it’s actually been ‘how are you so motivated to do this?’

One thing I always think is you have to start the ball rolling first to get healthy and get in shape; nobody can do that for you.

But once you have that mindset, or that goal to aim towards (for me, it’s the wedding) then that’s the thing that keeps you going and keeps you motivated to get those sessions in, or not cave in to eating the bad food (like I wanted to yesterday).

It’s having the motivation and reason for doing it.

So many people say ‘oh I couldn’t do that’ or ‘where do you find the time?’ Or ‘how do you do it with a child?’

But when you want something, you just do it.

You find a way of fitting it in and find a way of making it part of your life.

This is a 12-week programme that I’m doing, but now I really want this to be a way of life. I feel like I’ve cracked it now.

I feel like beyond this I can just keep going with it.

Once you find your motivation, and get some momentum, there’s no stopping you.

You start eating better, you start feeling better and so you keep going.

When you start seeing those changes in yourself in the first few weeks it keeps you going; when your clothes start feeling a bit looser, your skin starts feeling better, and people start commenting on how well you’re looking.

This all sees you through the days when it’s hard or you feel you can’t stick to it.

Setting constant little goals keeps you going.

Fitting into my old pants was an amazing feeling…

One of these little milestones was getting into my sparkly pants.

I’d had them years. Before we even got pregnant with Stanley, I couldn’t get into them or even zip them up.

It was at a point where I wasn’t quite happy with where I was at.

I thought ‘I’ll get back in shape, so one day I’ll wear them.’

Now, eight weeks in, I can fit into them comfortably.

I was made up with it. That was my little personal goal, and I’ve already smashed it!


Eight weeks, in the grand scheme of things, is no time at all; it goes so quickly.

There so many times people think ‘I’ve got a holiday in a few months, and I’ll never be in shape before then’ but what this 12-week transformation has shown me is that you really can.

You can make a massive difference and hit your personal goals far quicker than you expect.

I would be happy right now with my results if this was the end of week 12 – but we’re only at week 8 and we have another four weeks to go.

I’ve got back into the clothes I wanted to wear, I feel more confident and I feel like I’ve got loads of energy, I’ve got myself into a really good routine, so this would be a really good point for me to have reached after 12 weeks.

We have another third to go which is mind-blowing what we could achieve in that time.

I’m getting in better shape in my late 30s than 10 years ago…

The most surprising thing is I’ve not had to kill myself doing this transformation; I’ve not had to cut everything out like nights out and events.

Actually, I’ve done those things and more – a hen party, wedding menu tastings, two birthday parties, and I’ve still made massive progress and it’s not affected my training.

It’s just having that balance and ensuring that you’re not doing that all of the time!

I’m still dropping in body fat too with four weeks still to go. I’m down to 16% body fat now.

I’d trained hard in the past and got in what I thought was the best shape of my life, I think I was at 16% then – and I was a lot younger then!

That was in my mid-twenties; so to get to my late 30s after having a baby and being able to hit that is great!

I’m actually a normal, working-age mum, and have done this and still made the progress I did more than 10 years ago when I was in my twenties.

Seeing my progress pictures from when I first started until now in week 8 was a huge boost too.

I didn’t realise on day 1 how unhappy I probably was with my body, and where I was at, which was why I’ve done this in the first place.

A lot of people said ‘you didn’t need to do this! You didn’t need to lose any weight. Why have you done this?’

If someone doesn’t see you undressed, they might think ‘you didn’t need to do anything’. But it’s just a personal thing. It’s all subjective.

There’s nothing wrong with me health-wise before. I was still training and eating well.

But it’s not where I wanted to be fitness-wise and strength-wise, and I’m much happier now.

It’s good to see yourself at your very best and to see how far you can push yourself. That’s where I am at now.

I’ve got four weeks left. I’m happy with where I am physically. But now it’s all about where we can get to in those four weeks.

How far can I push myself? How disciplined can I be? How motivated can I be? Then what will happen if I do all of those things?

So, for me, it’s now a challenge. You’re competing against yourself, which is a great thing to do. It’s not a competition with anyone else; it’s just for me personally to see what is the best I can be.

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