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What U.P. Trainers Eat for Breakfast

If you want to achieve an impressive body transformation, any good personal trainer will tell you about the importance of breakfast.

But what do the world’s leading personal trainers eat for breakfast at Ultimate Performance?

What are their favourite go-to breakfast recipes that fit into their busy morning schedules, and what are the most important elements that help keep them focused, full of energy and in great shape?

We have asked some of our trainers to explain the rationale behind their approach to breakfast and any top tips they have for people who struggle with appetite first thing in the morning.

1. Umar Malik – Ultimate Performance City of London

What time do you wake up and when do you prefer to have breakfast?

I wake up at 4 am from Monday to Saturday; I eat straight away as I usually wake up starving!

Have you changed your approach to breakfast over the years?

Yes, I have made massive changes to my breakfast routine. I no longer eat a full English breakfast, which was my go-to breakfast when I was overweight and weighed 180kg.

Now I count my macronutrients for most of the year, so I’ll typically have steak and eggs in the morning, or if I’m feeling like something sweet, I’ll have the following ingredients all mixed together.

I don’t have a name for this meal, but it tastes great, and it comes in at just 9g of carbohydrates. Plus, the high fat content keeps me going for most of the morning.

  • 4-5 scrambled eggs

  • 1 scoop (30g) of chocolate whey

  • 20g of almond butter

Read UP’s philosophy on breakfast for optimal body composition 

Macronutrient breakdown

  • Protein – 50g

  • Carbohydrates – 9g

  • Fat – 32g

  • Calories – 511kcal

Is your breakfast choice different on the weekend compared to weekdays?

My breakfast does not really change day to day.

I will often just play it by how I feel on the day and how much time I have to cook in the morning.

I always like to leave enough time to cook up my breakfast fresh in the morning as it sets my day up nicely, even if that means 10 minutes fewer in bed.

Does your breakfast change when you diet?

Yes and no. Depending on which phase of my diet I’m currently going through, I can (within reason) make both meals fit my macronutrient targets.

This may mean swapping or reducing the whole egg yolks for just egg whites or dropping the nut butter, which contains quite a few calories, but I can usually make it work.

What advice would you give to a client who struggled with appetite in the morning?

Learn to really push yourself hard in the gym. For me, and all the clients I’ve worked with at U.P., they always seem to wake up with a great appetite when they have been training hard.

The harder and smarter you train, the more muscle you should gain; the more muscle you have, the more you need to fuel it! Especially after not eating all throughout the night!

2. Matt Parsons – Ultimate Performance Mayfair

Read why a high-protein breakfast is key on a fat loss diet

What time do you wake up and when do you prefer to have breakfast?

I wake up at 4.45 am and arrive into work at U.P. Mayfair for 5.50 am so I have 10 minutes to get my breakfast in; this is why a protein shake is perfect for me to start my day.

Have you changed your approach to breakfast over the years?

When I was at university 10 years ago, I would go for the standard toast and nut butter combo.

Over the years, I began to eat higher protein and fat breakfasts, and it had an amazing effect on my focus, energy and productivity.

My favourite go-to breakfast is a shake, due to time constraints, before my back-to-back morning clients from 6 am onwards.

  • 25g chocolate beef protein

  • 20g almond butter

  • 150g banana

  • 1 scoop Chocotrients

  • 1 tablespoon instant decaf coffee

This is my shake when I am both in and out of dieting.

Macronutrient breakdown

  • Protein – 35g

  • Carbohydrates – 45g

  • Fat – 15g

  • Calories – 400 Kcal

Is your breakfast choice different on the weekend compared to weekdays?

Weekdays and Saturday (as it’s a working day) with my busy morning work schedule I have the same shake each morning.

On a Sunday, I will usually eat breakfast out at a yoga retreat coffee shop, which serves a great choice of food.

I usually go for smoked salmon, eggs and spinach on gluten-free toast.

If I cook myself breakfast at home, I will usually have a steak- or mince-based meal with vegetables.

Does your breakfast change when you diet?

If I diet, the amount of nut butter may change, or I take the banana out of the shake.

What advice would you give to a client who struggled with appetite in the morning?

Like me, make yourself a breakfast shake! It’s easy to get the calories and macronutrients you need to start your day off perfectly! It’s especially good if you struggle to eat before a morning training session!

3. Aroosha Nekonam – Ultimate Performance Manchester

What time do you wake up and when do you prefer to have breakfast?

I am usually up anytime between 5.30 am to 7.30 am, depending on the time of my first client.

I usually like to have my breakfast post-workout, if I can get a training session in before I start my day!

My favourite go-to breakfast is Greek yoghurt, a half scoop of protein powder, peanut butter, fruit and puffed wheat, mixed together into a bowl.

Macronutrient breakdown

  • Protein – 35g

  • Carbohydrates – 40g

  • Fat – 10g

  • Calories – 350 Kcal

Here are 5 perfect breakfast recipes for a fat loss or muscle building diet

Have you changed your approach to breakfast over the years?

I used to skip breakfast, but now it’s definitely a must to help start my day on a good note and continue to eat well for the rest of the day.

Is your breakfast choice different on the weekend compared to weekdays?

I love weekend breakfasts because I have more time to get creative and make some delicious, healthy treats.

I usually love protein pancakes at the weekend, because I can take my time and cook it in the comfort of my own kitchen, rather than living the Tupperware life!

Does your breakfast change when you diet?

Usually, I eat the same things, but probably just have less fruit (carbohydrates) and more protein and fats if I am dieting.

What advice would you give to a client who struggled with appetite in the morning?

Drink a fresh glass of water as soon as you wake up. Then if you’re still not feeling hungry, at least have a little snack to tide you over, like a protein shake or a banana, so you don’t ‘run on empty’.

Think of your body as a car and food as your fuel; you’re not going to get very far on an empty tank.

4. Steve Chambers – Ultimate Performance Manchester

What time do you wake up and when do you prefer to have breakfast?

I generally wake up between 5 am and 5.30 am. I don’t eat first thing due to never being particularly hungry upon waking . Instead, I eat around 7 am.

My favourite breakfast is:

  • 3 poached eggs

  • 3 bacon rashers

  • 2 slices of sourdough bread

  • Green vegetables

Macronutrient breakdown

  • Protein – 36g

  • Carbohydrates – 44g

  • Fat – 32g

  • Calories – 590 Kcals

Have you changed your approach to breakfast over the years?

Yes! I have gone from having protein and oats, to a simple protein shake with a greens powder.

I changed my approach based on my schedule.

The protein shakes were great at getting something in quick after waking up,  but after 30 minutes I was still hungry.

Over the years, I have become less hungry in the morning, which is possibly down to having a larger evening meal.

Now I can wait a little longer in the mornings, and I get to enjoy a hot, freshly-cooked breakfast.

Is your breakfast choice different on the weekend compared to weekdays?

No, it is still pretty much the same. I may on occasion opt for some steak instead of salmon.

What advice would you give to a client who struggled with appetite in the morning?

When it comes to advice about mornings, I would suggest not putting too much stress on yourself.

If you wake up hungry, eat. If you don’t, wait until you feel hungry and enjoy your breakfast.

Calories over the entire day are more important than calories at specific times!

If you want to take your training and nutrition to the next level, find out about our Personal Training Plans.

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