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Sam’s Fitness Journey: Week 11 – A Confidence Boost

I’ve been asked a lot about why I decided to put myself through UP’s 12 week transformation and I could say that it was for work, I could say it was so I could experience UP’s services for myself but honestly…I now realise I needed it.

Last year, after struggling with an Achilles injury for some time, I had to stop my gymnastics career and I can safely say it sucked. It was my last chance to really go for it and sadly it didn’t work out – so the come-down took it’s toll on me. After having a whole life of gymnastics, training 4/5 times a week for 3 hours at a time and genuinely loving every minute of it, I found it difficult to find anything that I would enjoy enough to stick to. I tried climbing, boxing, the gym, running and boot-camps and although I enjoyed most of it I just had no motivation to carry on – I also had no plan.

This all happened over the course of 6 months and it took its toll. I lost my confidence, my drive, my focus, my appetite (and I love food) and generally just didn’t feel myself…it affected my job, my relationship and my social life and if I’m honest I knew the reason behind it.

The reason for telling you my life story this week is that I’m 10 weeks into my transformation and I actually feel like ‘me’ again…my confidence has grown. Now there are just 2 weeks left so I’m leaving nothing to chance with the few training sessions I have left – right now I’m full of energy!

Day 71 – Beach Ready

Last night, my friends and I booked a HOLIDAY! I can’t wait for the break, the sunshine and the siesta’s but the thing I look forward to the most is the fact that I can feel confident wearing a bikini without a care in the world.


I’ve seen so many UP clients achieve incredible physical transformations but the biggest difference is just how much better they feel about themselves. One thing that each and every UP client has in common is their commitment – that’s all that UP asks of you if a ‘real result’ is what you’re after. That commitment needs to be there on the days you don’t feel like training, on the weekends that you want nothing more than to order a takeaway and the social events that you feel don’t count as ‘cheating’…that’s when you’re going to need it the most if you really want to see a change.

Day 75 – Feeling Epic

This isn’t usually the kind of picture I would post but today I think I should. Today is my 75th day of a new way of life and I feel pretty epic right now. Don’t get me wrong, I still have life to deal with like the rest of us but I’m feeling strong, healthy and much more confident than I did 75 days ago.

So high five to that and my poor attempt at flexing my muscles.

Day 76 – Being a Ninja

Day 76 was my day off training. I did, however spend my morning as a course tester for Ninja Warrior in Manchester (no pictures allowed) and what a cracking experience that was.

I was soaked a good few times, my ears hurt from being underwater and I have rope burns in uncomfortable places but I absolutely loved it. I was part of a group of people who do this for a living and although I was nowhere near the level of experience for that kind of thing, I didn’t feel out of place stood next to them and it felt awesome.

Without my training at UP, without their planning, their support and their nudges in the right direction there is no way that would have happened – so I thank them for that.

Would I have felt comfortable doing that 11 weeks ago? Maybe but I probably would have been too lazy to bother – day 75 was a good day and something I can definitely be proud of. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt like I’ve really accomplished anything but this last couple of months of hearing how I’m motivating and inspiring others has given me something to keep driving for – basically, I’m feeling pretty happy 🙂

“Don’t chase people. Be an example. Attract them. Work hard and be yourself. The people who belong in your life will come find you and stay. Just do your thing.”

Just a little something to bear in mind.

Until next time.


Content and Email Manager at Ultimate Performance

Are You Feeling Inspired by Sam’s Fitness Journey? Learn More About the 12 Week Transformation Programme with Ultimate Performance

Liked this? Read Sam’s Journey From The Beginning or Why Dieting Doesn’t Have To Be So Hard

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