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I’ve been ‘bigger’, I’ve been an athlete, but I’ve never been ‘shredded’: Dani’s LA Training Blog Week 1

Everyone has their own motivation for going to the gym, whether it’s purely for aesthetic reasons, for better health, or simply to set a good example for their children.

My main motivation? I like being strong, and I’m competitive.

That hasn’t always been the case. I’ve been ‘bigger’ in the past and it made me so insecure – this is actually what got me interested in the gym in the first place.

But when I really started investing in my health and fitness, it became less about seeing the weight on the scales go down, and more about increasing the amount of weight I could lift.

Dani training pull-ups for strength at the new Ultimate Performance Los Angeles gym in Brentwood.

When I learned that increasing the amount of lean muscle mass I had increased my metabolism, and therefore meant it was easier to stay lean if I had more muscle, I was sold!

The surprising byproduct of this was actually how much my self-confidence improved.

I was a professional athlete for a time, however, when I re-entered the working world, I needed something to channel my athleticism that I could work towards.

The answer was in building my squat, bench press, and deadlift numbers.

Powerlifting became a passion and before you know it, I started competing and broke national records in Hong Kong and Singapore, and won the Asian title.

But you know what? I’ve never been shredded.

Dani’s goal is to get super lean with the help of Ultimate Performance Los Angeles’ elite personal trainers

Sure, I’ve been lean and seen hints of a six pack (first thing in the morning, with the right lighting, and just the right pose). But I have never been super lean.

So when I jumped on a plane and packed my bags to move to U.P. Los Angeles from U.P. Hong Kong, it felt like the perfect time to see how lean I could get, while maintaining my strength.

I gave myself two weeks of farewell indulgences in Hong Kong, and two weeks of welcome-to-America eating.

I feel bloated, fat, and more than ready for this challenge.

I have weighed in and measured up, and my starting point is 143 lbs bodyweight and 14.7% body fat.

The phase of discipline, consistency, and hard work has begun, and I can’t wait to see the results.


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