So this week I really feel the training has moved up a gear.
I am feeling soreness, but that’s because I’m lifting heavier weights than I ever thought would be possible for me.
The transformation has become a way of life now three weeks in.
Friends have stopped asking why I can’t go to the pub or out for dinner with them, and everyone is being super encouraging.
This week I attended the Brit Awards and saw quite a few people that I hadn’t seen for a long time, and got some compliments on how much trimmer I was looking.
Similarly, on Instagram, I posted a few photos from the evening and people were very complimentary. This is the boost you need as you put your gym clothes on again!
My suit at the Brits was also slightly too big for me. Result!
The regular check-ins and progress reports from your trainer (mine is Sean at Mayfair, and James at weekends) also not only keep you focused and on track, but if you are doing well and have stuck to the programme they are also extremely encouraging.
We still have a long way to go, but knowing that your trainer is pleased with your progress – and making sure you put all that you’ve got into each gym session, makes you feel amazing.
The food from EatUP is so good, and the portions don’t feel small now.
The main question people ask is “aren’t you hungry all the time?” and I can honestly say I’m not.
I have become obsessed with how many steps I’m doing every day – your minimum is 10,000, but Sean would now like it to be more like 12,000-14,000.
Quite unbelievably some days this week I have reached 16,000-17,000 on my tracker watch!
This is another vital part of the process, but I’m walking more than I ever have, and I’m noticing more of things I’ve never even seen in London before on foot, which is strange considering I’ve lived here nearly 20 years!
Here in week 3, I am feeling pleased with my journey so far, and am feeling motivated to continue and see what the next few weeks hold.