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How I Stayed On Track With My Diet While Travelling: Scott Mills’ Blog Week 12

This week was the hardest week so far of my transformation.

My schedule is starting to get busy for the summer, and I was working at the Eurovision Song Contest for a week for the BBC in Portugal doing some of the TV coverage.

I did not have the discipline of EatUP meals, and I actually felt lost not having my training sessions. HOW AND WHY AM I MISSING THEM? I don’t know, but I did.

However, I managed to eat the right food and not cave into cheap Portuguese wine and tapas. Luckily, white fish and green veg are plentiful in Lisbon.

It sounds boring (and maybe it is when everyone else is having an ice cream) but that’s just the way it is now. During this transformation you kind of need to stop seeing food as something to enjoy and indulge in, and see it as fuel for what you are trying to achieve. Nothing more.

Once you get your head around that, you’re good. From someone who loves food, I can’t believe I’m saying that. But if you were just to train and not follow the food plan, your transformation isn’t going to happen.

That old cliché of bodies being made in the kitchen IS true, annoyingly!

The schedule, while I was out there in Portugal, meant working very long days, but the hotel had a gym, and Sean, my trainer, gave me a plan that I had to follow. It’s much harder by yourself, but he had explained it to me so well – and we had a meeting before and planned it all out.

Scott Mills looking leaner and happier than ever covering the Eurovision Song Contest for the BBC in Portugal.

He even offered to call me to go through it again if I wasn’t sure – it’s that level of service and attention to detail that means I know U.P. will get me to where I want to be, no doubt about it.

Because of the hectic filming schedule, I actually told the production team to factor time for exercise into my day, otherwise I knew it wouldn’t happen. It felt odd asking them to block out time for me to do this, but it’s essential. You have to build it into your diary the same way you would a social event or a business meeting. I mixed up the weights sessions that Sean had prepared for me with some HIIT sessions on the rowing machine in the gym, and some runs in the Lisbon sunshine.

Luckily, the work schedule involved a LOT of filming on location, so I was easily getting my 15,000 steps done every day.

I’m now back in London and so happy to be back at the U.P. training sessions, feeling happy, healthy and ready to continue.


This is the first time I’ve been on TV for a while, and when I watched it back I was genuinely so impressed and pleased with how much my look had changed.

I’ve always been aware of my weight on TV, and while I’m not there just yet – the difference was quite amazing and I felt a lot less self-conscious. Also comments like this from Instagram definitely spur you on!

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