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Beach Body Motivated Me to Start My Transformation: Scott Mills’ Blog Week 1

Radio One DJ Scott Mills is taking on a body transformation with Ultimate Performance to get in the best shape of his life.

The radio personality is taking on the challenge for Men’s Fitness Magazine to get the ultimate beach body.

Scott is blogging every step of his transformation journey at UP and sharing the training, nutrition and lifestyle tips he has learned along the way.

I’ve been wanting to do a fitness challenge for a while, I like to do something every now and again that feels a little out of my comfort zone and a little bit scary.

I was feeling bigger than I wanted to be for quite a long time over the last six months.

Then Christmas happened and I’m not the kind of person that can say ‘no’ to wine, cheese, biscuits, sweets and endless Christmas dinners, so when Men’s Fitness gave me this opportunity I knew that it would be foolish to say no.

Added to my Christmas bulk, I also went to New Zealand to see some family just after Christmas and found it really hard to eat healthily there.

The staple diet, for my family at least, seemed to be burgers, chips, pizza or New Zealand’s national dish, fish and chips.

I saw some photos of me on the beach and it wasn’t good.

I’d already been in for a consultation at Ultimate Performance with one of their lead trainers Sean, who assured me that this transformation is entirely possible as long as I commit to it 100%.

He was very reassuring and said that it is completely possible if I apply my mind and body to it, this would be a huge lifestyle change.


I returned from New Zealand and my first session with Sean was mostly just to see where I was at right now.

He measured me in 17 different places and I had photos taken from the front, the back and the side, and the photos confirmed what I thought – I had a big challenge ahead of me!

Setting foot in the UP Fitness gym in Mayfair was intimidating at first, it was a bit like the first day at school.

But after the first day, I soon got to realise, everybody in there has the same goal, to complete a 12-week body transformation.

That’s what UP Fitness do and they achieve incredible results for people.

All of the trainers are friendly, helpful and very encouraging, but, they get the work done.

I’m not going to lie, the workouts I found extremely difficult at first. What helps me massively is that UP have also launched a range of meals that I have had delivered every day.

The portion sizes made me realise how much I had been overeating for the last few months but the idea is simple, you eat the food four times a day and you do the training.

Plus, you must reach at least 10,000 steps each and every day.

The meals are varied and actually very tasty, which is just as well as I’m not the kind of person that will spend every Sunday prepping my chicken, broccoli and rice for the next seven days.

I had some wobbles in week one when I would text my trainer Sean, often late at night, saying “my weight’s not going down’. But he told me it was early days and to trust the process.

I can’t wait to see what week two brings.

Week 2 sees Scott tackling temptation and cravings and getting on top of his diet preparation.

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