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What’s Your Excuse? – Rob’s UP Transformation

If age was ever frowned upon, stop frowning. This is Rob, in his late 40s, a multi-business owner, member of several company boards and with the help of UP Mayfair has transformed his body from your everyday dad-bod to a physique that genetically blessed teenagers would be envious of. Rob has achieved this incredible transformation over the space of a year and is one of the hardest working men we will ever know.

With the help of Ultimate Performance trainer Sean Murphy, Rob changed his way of living, nutrition and training to create a body he envisaged for himself his whole life. Read on for Rob’s story as told to us.

Why Ultimate Performance?

I’ve been active all my life, so enjoying training has never been an issue but I wanted to make some serious physical changes which I knew I wouldn’t be able to do on my own…I needed professional help and advice.

Out of all of the options available, Ultimate Performance stood out. They looked the part and seemed completely serious about what they do so it felt like a good place to start.

Rob Frost

Did You Have Any Concerns About Your Transformation?

When I walked into UP for the first time, it was intense, which can be quite intimidating when you compare it to your usual commercial gym but from the moment you are greeted, it’s a different story.

The intensity is important, you certainly wouldn’t want it any other way if you want to achieve results. However, all of the trainers are very friendly, my trainer is a super guy and I would always receive compliments and encouragement from the whole team about my progress and and training.

What Do You Feel That You Have Achieved?

My before and after photos speak much more volume than what I could tell you here but what I’ve achieved during my time at UP is more than I could have ever imagined. My body fat has gone from close to 25% to as low as 7% in just a 12 week period and I’ve increased my muscle mass and strength substantially.

My general health overall has also seen a significant improvement, which you always assume would be the case, but to see my posture enhanced and to hear positive results from recent blood tests is just something you can’t put a price on.

What Have You Learned?

I have been fortunate enough to be working with Sean Murphy, who has constantly monitored and adjusted my diet and training to suit my body and it’s progress. Having someone pay so much attention to the detail has allowed me to be exposed to a lot of interesting programmes for nutrition and exercise, it’s a way of thinking you wouldn’t experience anywhere else.

When I travel and train at other gyms, I am often asked about the training I am doing as they just haven’t had the good fortune to learn from a UP trainer such as Sean. I have also learnt so much more about food; I am more aware of what I am eating and the impact certain foods will have on my training…not to mention learning how to cheat intelligently!

What’s Next For You?

My 12 week transformation has turned into a new way of life for me now, so I will only keep continuing and improving my training and health. I now have a focus and determination to reach more challenging goals, lifting more and building more muscle…something I didn’t think was possible given my age.

I will just keep going now. Whenever I am asked about my level of fitness I will always point them in UP’s direction, I will only ever have great things to say about the place.

The whole experience has been excellent, I tell everyone about UP.

Has Rob’s transformation story motivated you? Find out more about Ultimate Performance’s 12 Week Transformation.

Want to know how Ultimate Performance can help with your nutrition and training? Fill the form on this page and we will send you details.

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