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Sandra’s Fitness Journey: Week 2) I Can See the Flab Coming Off

I thought it was impossible.

I had built up a picture in my head that weight training at UP was going to be relentless, how else could they achieve so many amazing results?

But it wasn’t like that at all. Not only did I get through my first week unscathed, but I enjoyed it.

Sandra smiling ultimate performance


After successfully avoiding a delicious-looking chocolate cake at a kids’ birthday party over the weekend, I’m ready to face Week 2.

But then life gets in the way again. Or rather death. A family funeral.

I refuse to be the person eating out of Tupperware and toasting a great man, so I join in and celebrate his life with a glass of wine and a decent portion of pie.

My trainer didn’t once criticise me or make me feel guilty, he instead approved of my next couple of day’s food choices, as I reduced my carb intake and increased my exercise in an attempt to offset any unwanted gains.

This was easily done, swapping spaghetti for spiralised courgette and brown rice for cauliflower rice.  Throwing a cauliflower in a food processor, then microwaving for three minutes is so much healthier and quicker than rinsing and boiling rice for half an hour.

Read the top 5 food substitutes for a body transformation diet…including spiralised vegetable pasta. 

Food prep for daytime meals has been a little trickier. I’m used to cooking from scratch for my kids who have dairy allergies, but making time to prepare my own meals is an effort I could do without at the moment. With my youngest son still waking several times during the night, getting up early to cook is a nightmare, so I’ve started batch cooking and freezing my lunches. It tastes almost as good as those extra few minutes sleep feel.

Keeping things simple and being organised saves you so much time and makes you less likely to reach for junk food.

My trainer is happy for me to go along to yoga or abs classes on non-training days, but is quite insistent that I keep the intensity low at the moment, as it’s all about rest and recovery, especially as I don’t get anywhere near enough sleep.

I’ve a 10,000-a-day step target which I’m easily reaching by taking my dog for a quick walk every evening and so far the training sessions have been fantastic.

Despite never really having lifted weights before, having a personal trainer there working with you on perfecting the form, activating the right muscles and ensuring I’m pushing myself makes it very straightforward.

There are fleeting moments during training when I wonder why the hell am I doing this, usually just before James counts down the last couple of reps and I breathe a massive sigh of relief.


You do get pushed hard, but the hour flies by and then I’m back to being a busy finance manager and mum again. Concentrating only on doing the exercise properly and enjoying the music is over, until next time.

The difficult part is trying to make this part of your routine and finding suitable recipes.  Now I’m avoiding bland chicken and veg and have found things that taste good for evening meals, such as homemade chilli with microwavable brown rice (I didn’t even know this existed!) or steak with vegetables and sweet potato wedges, this has made it a lot easier.

It’s getting me results and I feel the difference. You can actually see the difference already. My husband who never notices anything, even said ‘Wow!’ I’ve lost quite a bit of weight from around my hips. 

It’s a great motivator. It felt really good. I had a few other compliments too which hasn’t happened to me in about 20 years, so that was nice.

2 weeks in and over 2 kilos down, I’m happy with my results so far and have booked myself a riding lesson as a reward (I’m finally starting to realise treats other than booze and cake exist). It’s more me time and exercise, win-win.

I didn’t think I’d be able to do it; nearly 40, two kids. But we’re slowly getting there; I’m even getting abs.  Who’d have thought it?

Inspired by Sandra’s transformation journey and want results of your own? Speak to us about our Personal Training Plans…

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