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9 Tips To Beat the Bloat

We have all experienced that feeling of bloating at some point in our lives – for many people it can be a daily occurrence.

While bloating can be caused by certain underlying health conditions, most instances are harmless.

Even if the causes are benign, feeling bloated can still be an uncomfortable sensation – but with a few simple changes to your eating and lifestyle habits, it can be resolved.

We have put together this list of causes and tips to help you identify and possibly avoid the symptoms all together.
The most common causes of daily bloating are:

  • Food sensitivities 
  • Stress 
  • Staying sedentary 
  • Overeating 
  • Bacterial imbalance 
  • Artificial sweeteners 
  • Eating too fast 
  • Constipation 
  • Hormonal changes (Menstruation) 
  • IBS and other digestive issues.  

These causes could be linked to how we eat, what we eat and how much we eat. So finding the root cause and making adjustments based on this will help relieve your bloating symptoms. 
If one of the above causes sounds familiar to you, try one of our nine tips to beat the bloat.

Tip 1: Eat slowly and chew properly

If you are notorious for gulping down your meals quickly then you will also be swallowing a lot of air, leading to gas retention. Slowing down and chewing your food properly will help with this, and also help you to reduce your overall food intake.

Tip 2:  Research into supplementation

Using a high-quality probiotic supplement or a digestive enzyme supplement has been shown to help relieve symptoms of bloating. Taking these alongside a good diet and active lifestyle would be most beneficial.  These help to break down foods (especially ones that you find particularly hard to digest) and absorb the nutrients.  

Tip 3:  Reduce caffeine and salty foods

Consuming too much salt or drinking too much caffeine can irritate your stomach and cause water retention, so reducing these can aid in reducing bloating and symptoms of an upset stomach. 

Tip 4:  Drink plenty of water

Staying hydrated is very important, while it might seem counterintuitive, drinking water can help reduce bloating by ridding the body of excess fluids and sodium. 

Tip 5: Try relaxation techniques and meditation

Bloating and stomach troubles can be a sign of stress, so taking some time to relax and using mindfulness techniques like meditation can aid in reducing these feelings of stress and their impact on your gut.  

Tip 6: Eat to satiety

Overeating is very easily done, especially if we are having something we enjoy paired with eating far too quickly. Try your best to be mindful and pay attention to your fullness cues.  

Tip 7: Limit artificial sugars

These play havoc with your gut when consumed in excess, leading to gas retention and bloating as your body struggles to break these down and digest them. Limiting these, where possible, is recommended. 

Tip 8: Stay active

Something as simple as a walk or an exercise session can help reduce the build-up of gas that contributes to bloating and aid in stress relief digestion. 

Tip 9:  Locate and eliminate problematic foods

There are some foods that just simply do not agree with our system. So, locating any food sensitivities and removing these from your diet will help reduce any bloating related to the consumption of these types of foods. Some common food sensitivities are lactose and gluten. 

If you think your bloating may be linked to an underlying health condition or food intolerance, it is important to consult your doctor so they can better advise you on how to manage your symptoms. 

One or two of these points resonated with you? Take action today. Here are 4 steps you can take to improve your gut health and immune system.

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