101 Tips To Lose Fat And Get Lean (15): Set Goals
“He who travels without a map gets nowhere”.
Not quite Confucius I know, but I hope that you get my meaning. To set out on a journey of any kind, especially one as potentially arduous, painstaking, and with countless distractions as a fat loss journey is just plain foolish. You need direction and clear benchmarks to keep you motivated and your eye on the prize and rewards that come with having a leaner and more attractive body.
Here is what you need to do (If you have a good personal trainer): If not you can enquire to UP below the article and we promise to listen.
Does your personal trainer help you plan your workouts and goals?
Work with him/her and write down a series of goals, make them short and long term. So if your overall goal is to lose 20lbs of body fat decide with your personal trainer how long that will reasonably take to achieve and have that as your final marker. In this example we could say 12 weeks to drop 20lbs of fat.
Then divide this down into smaller, bite-sized chunks that make the whole fat loss process that much easier to contemplate.
This is our fifteenth tip on how to lose fat. Over the coming months we will be detailing a host more fat loss tips that we know will be useful to you in looking your very best. For those of you interested in online personal training please click here.