Whether you are a vegetarian or just simply looking to cut down on your meat intake, we have a wide variety of meat-free protein sources and their benefits for you – it will also keep things interesting for your taste buds too!
Eggs are an amazing source of nutrition, high in protein, selenium, and omega 3s – there are 6g of protein per medium egg. You can even boost the protein further by adding some egg whites and making an omelette – egg whites have 11g protein per 100g.

Cheese is a dairy product that comes in hundreds of different textures and flavours. It is an excellent source of Vitamin B12 and calcium. That said, some cheeses are healthier than others and would be your better option. Cottage cheese and feta cheese are great examples of a low-carb source of protein and are naturally lower in saturated fats compared to other processed cheeses – Feta has 14g of protein per 100g.

Greek Yoghurt
Greek yoghurt can have up to twice as much protein as regular yoghurt due to the straining process at 10-20g protein per 100g. Try and find a brand that has no added flavours or preservatives and instead flavour the yoghurt yourself with fresh fruit or a scoop of CHOCOTRIENTS!

Almonds contain 22g of protein per 100g and with that, you get omega 6 fatty acids, vitamin E and fibre. It’s for this reason that most nuts make a great high protein snack that helps you to feel full.
These foods will all make great replacements in your diet when you’re looking to reduce your consumption of animal-based protein.
The vast array of nutrients provided will really benefit your health and assist many bodily functions so do keep an open mind on the hunt for protein.

Lentils, soya beans, black beans and chickpeas are all great, vegan-friendly additions if you are looking to boost your protein intake, they are also an excellent source of fibre too which is useful for digestion and feeling fuller for longer. Soya beans in particular have 17g of protein per 100g (cooked).

Quinoa is a complete protein with 14g per 100g. It is also a source of potassium, magnesium, iron, and vitamin B6, which are all important for training and recovery.

Add spirulina to smoothies and shakes for a natural protein and amino acid boost.
Spirulina contains 22 amino acids, beta carotene, calcium and iron.

Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are a complete protein – a source of all of the essential amino acids and high in fibre. While you need a lot of chia seeds to get a good protein boost, they make a great addition to anybody’s diet that likes to workout and offer a source of calcium, magnesium and B vitamins.

Packed full of omega 3 fatty acids to help keep your heart healthy, sprinkle sunflower seeds on top of salads and blend into your smoothies for a protein boost. Try toasting pumpkin seeds to add a tasty boost of vitamin E to your diet.

Vegan protein powder
For a great tasting alternative to animal protein sources in a readily digestible form, learn more about our Ultimate Performance Vegan Protein. This supplement is especially useful for vegetarians and vegans needing to increase protein intake without the high carbohydrate concentration found in competing products.