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At last, we’re answering the important questions. While alcohol is a big no-no for anyone looking to drastically change their physique and optimise health, there may be times where it’s unavoidable. Check out the Ultimate Performance guide to alcohol to learn how to factor in the sauce, without compromising on progress.

Key Takeaways

  • The body cannot use alcohol as an energy source, and fat loss stalls while the liver clears it.
  • Moderate alcohol consumption does not appear to directly impair fat loss, if calories and protein intake are controlled.
  • If you do drink, try to limit your intake to 10-15% of your daily calorie target.

Finally, the part you’ve been waiting for: unfortunately, alcohol is a big no-no for anyone looking to drastically change their physique and optimise health. This is because the body has no use for alcohol whatsoever. The body cannot utilise alcohol as an energy source, priming you for storing additional body fat.

Alcohol (ethanol) is not an essential nutrient, which means that you do not need to include any in your diet. In fact, many of our clients use the transformation period to ‘detox’ from alcohol completely.

Regarding alcohol and fat loss, potential issues to be aware of are:

Alcohol is extremely toxic to your liver, the organ responsible for metabolising fat. All fat loss stalls while there is alcohol in your system, as your liver prioritises clearing alcohol.

Alcohol is a form of liquid calories, which digest very quickly and do not send fullness signals to your brain.

Drinking to the point of intoxication can impair impulse control and increase the chances of overeating.

When consumed in excess, alcohol calories can displace other key nutrients in your diet.

However, there is no evidence to suggest that moderate alcohol consumption directly impairs fat loss, if you control your calorie intake and have enough calories left for the required amounts of protein, fats and carbohydrates.

There is no set definition for moderation, but a simple guideline to follow during your transformation is to limit your intake to 10-15% of your daily calorie target one to two times per week.

If there are events where you plan on drinking, here are some strategies that can help you plan around it:

Tip 1: On days you know you will be drinking alcohol, keep your fat intake very low. Prioritise lean protein sources and avoid added fat servings.

Tip 2: Ensure you hit your protein target for the day to preserve muscle mass and restrict your carbohydrates to fibrous vegetables.

Tip 3: When presented with a choice of drinks, opt for single servings of spirits, small glasses of dry red wines (as they tend to contain fewer carbohydrates) or spirits with zero-calorie mixers.

Tip 4: Limit the amount of alcohol you drink. The current alcohol guidelines put both men and women at 14 units a week. Most people (pointing no fingers) exceed this in a single night of drinking! Aim to stick to a maximum of two drinks.

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